I met Melisa and the kids in October at the Edgewater Pumpkin Patch, while I was there taking family photos. I was so excited when she reached out and scheduled the McLean family snow session. But it had been a long road coming. James works on the road and we had initially planned for their portrait session to take place over Thanksgiving but between weather and schedules we had to postpone and hope for the best during Christmas. And we did it! We may have encountered a little rain but that didn't stop us. The temperature wasn't as frigid as it had been and I wasn't letting them get away. But let's just talk about rain in late December in Montana! I thought I had seen it all but this was a first for me. The snow was a mix between slush and ice. We definitely had to watch our step and navigate such a strange weather experience for this time of year. Micha and Nayeli were the best sports about everything. They were like pros.

Melisa warned me right off the bat that James was a jokester. Which for me isn't a problem because that means that I dont have to pretend to be funny and laugh at my jokes alone. It also makes for a funner session with more sincere smiles. So if you are loaded with good jokes and a great sense of humor, feel free to let it all out during your session. There is nothing like one of your loved ones making you laugh. We end up getting some great silly candid moments that are just priceless!

I have to take a moment to say how impressed I am with Nayeli's balance. I asked her if she wanted to do a ballet pose and once she picked one she just stayed in it effortlessly. I was even able to adjust her a little and not once did she fall or have to put both feet on the ground. Micha was just a little shy and usually I would have pulled him out of that but the kids were starting to get cold and I prefer happy kids over everything. I'll get him next time.

It still amazes me when I say "give me a silly face" and everyone gives me the same silly face!

Melisa and James, thank you so much for being so gracious about rescheduling your session. I know how exciting it is and how hard it is to wait. I am so happy that I got to meet James this time around. You guys have the perfect mix of silly and serious. I wont forget the kids laughing when I said "now go in for a kiss". It's the best reaction. I had so much fun with you guys! You have beautiful children that are so polite and kind. I cant wait to get to know them more as I capture more moments of your lives in the future. Be sure to tell the kids thank you for me. They did such a good job and I know that the snow wasn't the funniest to navigate but I am so proud of them for keeping such good spirits and following through to the end.

Book your outdoor snow session today. Fill out the form below to get started!